Drift is explored in features on hobos, the graduate job market, documentary film, and Situationism. There is also the foolproof Article guide to drifting through life. Features are coupled with a section of in-depth interviews with designers and artists, including Paper Girl, Mercy and The Hundred in the Hands, exploring the notion of drifting as a state of affairs, and a creative process. This issue also sees the development of Article’s totally comprehensive, 2 colour printed guide to everything; the Life Worth Living. This issue’s is the densest yet and includes interviews with Kid Acne, Gold Panda and Teal Triggs, amongst bounteous reviews of books, zines, music and art shows.
There’s also a fashion shoot featuring the Heebie Jeebies, shot by Jodie Blackburn.
4,000 free copies were being distributed across the UK, in bars, galleries and shops. Distribution is focused on Manchester, Liverpool, Sheffield, Nottingham and Leeds, with copies also to be found in the GmbH in Glasgow, Analogue Books in Edinburgh and the ICA bookshop, Magma Clerkenwell and Luminous Books in London. Also, this issue is kindly being distributed by Stack Magazines to subscribers worldwide, as well as being distributed for free to customers of Magazero magazines. For a full distribution list check out articlemagazine.co.uk