As a kid the bike shop in my town excited me, I would walk past often, peering through the windows, glimpsing shiny bikes and related paraphernalia. Venturing inside, however, was a different matter. I wanted to, to inspect the machines and initiate myself into the ways of the proprietor and patrons but I couldn’t. The bike shop was a forbidding place where grown men discussed the intricacies of serious cycling in a language I didn’t possess. Serious cycling was what I aspired to and having convinced my parents to buy me a Trek rather than a Halfords bike I’d hoped I might be halfway there, but I was still way off. Leaping into the unknown, entering the bike shop with its array of gadgets, alien lingo and Lycra clad leg shavers was too daunting an undertaking for this self-conscious teeny-bopper: both literally and metaphorically I didn’t have the bollocks. read the rest